Results for 'Courtny L. Franco'

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  1. Implications for Emotion: Using Anatomically Based Facial Coding to Compare Emoji Faces Across Platforms.Jennifer M. B. Fugate & Courtny L. Franco - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Emoji faces, which are ubiquitous in our everyday communication, are thought to resemble human faces and aid emotional communication. Yet, few studies examine whether emojis are perceived as a particular emotion and whether that perception changes based on rendering differences across electronic platforms. The current paper draws upon emotion theory to evaluate whether emoji faces depict anatomical differences that are proposed to differentiate human depictions of emotion. We modified the existing Facial Action Coding System to apply to emoji faces. An (...)
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    What Color Is Your Anger? Assessing Color-Emotion Pairings in English Speakers.Jennifer Marie Binzak Fugate & Courtny L. Franco - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Do English-speakers think about anger as “red” and sadness as “blue”? Some theories of emotion suggests that color(s) - like other biologically-derived signals- should be reliably paired with an emotion, and that colors should differentiate across emotions. We assessed consistency and specificity for color-emotion pairings among English-speaking adults. In study 1, participants (n = 73) completed an online survey in which they could select up to three colors from 23 colored swatches (varying hue, saturation, and light) for each of ten (...)
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  3. Ordinary Language Philosophy, Explanation, and the Historical Turn in Philosophy of Science.Paul L. Franco - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 90 (December 2021):77 - 85.
    Taking a cue from remarks Thomas Kuhn makes in 1990 about the historical turn in philosophy of science, I examine the history of history and philosophy of science within parts of the British philosophical context in the 1950s and early 1960s. During this time, ordinary language philosophy's influence was at its peak. I argue that the ordinary language philosophers' methodological recommendation to analyze actual linguistic practice influences several prominent criticisms of the deductive-nomological model of scientific explanation and that these criticisms (...)
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  4. Hans Reichenbach's and C.I. Lewis's Kantian philosophies of science.Paul L. Franco - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 80:62-71.
    Recent work in the history of philosophy of science details the Kantianism of philosophers often thought opposed to one another, e.g., Hans Reichenbach, C.I. Lewis, Rudolf Carnap, and Thomas Kuhn. Historians of philosophy of science in the last two decades have been particularly interested in the Kantianism of Reichenbach, Carnap, and Kuhn, and more recently, of Lewis. While recent historical work focuses on recovering the threatened-to-be-forgotten Kantian themes of early twentieth-century philosophy of science, we should not elide the differences between (...)
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  5. Avaliação da atividade ácida e alcalina e acúmulo de fosfato inorgânico em amostras de Cunninghamella elegans.L. O. Franco, L. D. Albuquerque, N. P. Stamford, M. A. B. Lima & G. M. C. Takaki - 2011 - Analytica (Rio) 54:70 - 78.
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    Assertion, Nonepistemic Values, and Scientific Practice.Paul L. Franco - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (1):160-180.
    This article motivates a shift in certain strands of the debate over legitimate roles for nonepistemic values in scientific practice from investigating what is involved in taking cognitive attitudes like acceptance toward an empirical hypothesis to looking at a social understanding of assertion, the act of communicating that hypothesis. I argue that speech act theory’s account of assertion as a type of doing makes salient legitimate roles nonepistemic values can play in scientific practice. The article also shows how speech act (...)
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  7. Ordinary Language Criticisms of Logical Positivism.Paul L. Franco - 2018 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 8 (1):157-190.
    In this paper, I fill out the received view of logical positivism within professional philosophy against which Thomas Kuhn’s Structure appeared. To do this, I look at the methodological dimensions of ordinary language criticisms of logical positivist analysis from P.F. Strawson and J.L. Austin. While no one would confuse Strawson and Austin for philosophers of science, I look to their criticisms given the general porousness of sub-disciplinary boundaries in mid-20th century philosophy, the prominence of ordinary language philosophy in the 1950s, (...)
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    Behavior, valuation, and pragmatism in C.I. Lewis and W.V. Quine.Paul L. Franco - 2023 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):1-10.
    I explore three points about the relationship between C.I. Lewis’s conceptual pragmatism and W.V. Quine’s naturalized epistemology inspired by Robert Sinclair’s Quine, Conceptual Pragmatism, and the Analytic-Synthetic Distinction. First, I highlight Lewis’s long-standing commitment to Platonism about meaning and its connection to his reflective philosophical method and rejection of a linguistic account of analyticity. Second, I consider Sinclair’s claim that “Lewis’s epistemology provides no indication concerning how, despite different sensory experiences, we still come to agree on what we are talking (...)
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  9. Las rocas básicas y ultrabásicas en el extremo occidental de la Sierra de Avila (Provincias de Avila y Salamanca). Stud. Geol.M. P. Franco González & L. C. García de Figuerola - 1986 - Salmanticensis 23:193-219.
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  10. Speech Act Theory and the Multiple Aims of Science.Paul L. Franco - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (5):1005-1015.
    I draw upon speech act theory to understand the speech acts appropriate to the multiple aims of scientific practice and the role of nonepistemic values in evaluating speech acts made relative to those aims. First, I look at work that distinguishes explaining from describing within scientific practices. I then argue speech act theory provides a framework to make sense of how explaining, describing, and other acts have different felicity conditions. Finally, I argue that if explaining aims to convey understanding to (...)
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  11. (1 other version)Susan Stebbing on Logical Positivism and Communication.Paul L. Franco - 2023 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 10 (48):1378 - 1402.
    In this paper, I look at Susan Stebbing’s articles and reviews that critically engage logical positivism. These appeared before the publication of A.J. Ayer’s Language, Truth and Logic and helped shape the early British reception of logical positivism. I highlight Stebbing’s adoption of G.E. Moore’s tripartite distinction between knowing a proposition, understanding it, and giving an analysis of it and, in light of this distinction, her focus on whether the principle of verifiability can ground a plausible account of communication. Stebbing (...)
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    Are Kant’s Concepts and Methodology Inconsistent with Scientific Change? Constitutivity and the Synthetic Method in Kant.Paul L. Franco - 2012 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 2 (2):321-353.
    Sympathetic commentators on Kant’s account of physical knowledge agree that while philosophy of science has much to gain from Kant’s notion of constitutive a priori principles, Kant’s conceptual and methodological resources are inconsistent with the possibility of scientific change. In this article, I argue that this received view is lacking since Kant’s claim that a unique set of a priori principles structures our knowledge for all time is not central to his account of the constitutive a priori. Two underemphasized points (...)
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    The satisfiability problem.John Franco, Endre Boros & P. L. Hammer (eds.) - 1999 - New York: Elsevier.
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    Review of Pragmatism in Transition: Contemporary Perspectives on C.I. Lewis ed. by Peter Olen and Carl Sachs. [REVIEW]Paul L. Franco - 2018 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 54 (2):273-280.
    In this review, I talk about the essays dealing with C.I. Lewis's place in the history of analytic philosophy and the history of philosophy of science.
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    L'histoire de l'URSS vue par les marxistes italiens.Franco Battistrada, Jacques Texier & Anne Monteverdi - 1989 - Actuel Marx 6:84.
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  16. L'opera di Ugo Spirito: bibliografia.Franco Tamassia - 1986 - Roma: Fondazione U. Spirito.
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  17. L industria meccanica italiana dopo laprile 1948.Franco Antolini - forthcoming - Critica.
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    Review of Matthew J. Brown’s Science and Moral Imagination: A New Ideal for Values in Science. [REVIEW]Paul L. Franco - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science:1-8.
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  19. L'angelo e la sua ombra.Franco Rella - forthcoming - Rivista di Estetica.
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    L'éclatement de la nation sud-africaine minée par la mondialisation.Franco Barchiesi - 2002 - Multitudes 3 (3):35-52.
    This article discusses changes in post-apartheid South Africa’s economy and society in relation to the country’s re-insertion in the Empire. South Africa ’s specificity in the African context is largely related to the crucial role played in this case by the factory proletariat in defining the collapse of apartheid. Therefore, neoliberalism and the entry in the Empire in this case have to be understood in terms of state responses to a class composition that starting from workplace organisation has expressed a (...)
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    L'esperienza e l'uomo.Franco Lombardi - 1935 - Firenze,: F. Le Monnier.
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    La pena di morte per ľ"assassinio" del bue aratore.Franco Bellandi - 2007 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 151 (1):105-114.
    This essay is focused on a difficult passage in Varrò, rust. 2,5,3-4, which is quoted, explained and partially corrected by Columella. Both passages are for us a valuable source of information about the capital sentence inflicted, in a very early age, on the person who caused the death of the ploughing ox. However, a contradiction or apory can be observed in the attitude of the two authors. On the one hand - as admirers of the mos maiorum - they seem (...)
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  23. L'eretico Agostino Doni.Luigi De Franco - 1973 - Cosenza,: Pellegrini. Edited by Agostino Doni.
  24. „L'ateo di sistema: Il'caso Spinoza'nella storiografia tedesca dalr Aufklärung'alla'Romantik'.".Franco Chiereghin - 1977 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 6:811-859.
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  25. L'ideologia della definizione del diritto e il pensiero di Alf Ross.Franco Bonsignori - 1973 - Pisa,: Pacini.
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    L'umiltà del male.Franco Cassano - 2011 - Roma: Laterza.
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    Se soulever, pour que l'intellect général puisse avoir un corps.Franco Berardi Bifo - 2012 - Multitudes 50 (3):27-30.
    Résumé Dans sa configuration actuelle, l’intellect général est à la fois fragmenté et dépourvu de perception collective et de conscience de soi. Seule l’émergence consciente du travail cognitif comme incarnation sensible et sociale de l’intellect général permettra l’avènement d’une recomposition de notre connaissance commune, scientifique, technique, affective, organisatrice, ainsi que de notre intérêt commun.
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  28. L'idea dell'uomo e la filosofia nel pensiero di Max Scheler.Franco Bosio - 1976 - Roma: ABETE.
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    Heidegger e l’idea platonica del bene.Franco Trabattoni - 2017 - Chôra 15:591-610.
    Dans un travail anterieur j’ai essaye de montrer que Heidegger a finalement refuse de faire place, dans sa philosophie, a la notion platonicienne d’idee, bien qu’elle semblait, selon un certain point de vue, etre une figure capable de representer l’ouverture originelle de l’être qui était au coeur des recherches de Heidegger dans les annees qui entourent Etre et Temps. La raison de cela, a mon avis, est que l’approche aristotelicienne de la philosophie de Platon par Heidegger explicitement adoptee conduisait au (...)
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  30. L'antichità svelata e l'idea del progresso in N. A. Boulanger, 1722-1759.Franco Venturi - 1947 - Bari,: Laterza.
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  31. L'esperienza e l'uomo.Franco Lombardi - 1937 - Philosophical Review 46:684.
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    L’annullamento della maledizione di Dt. 21,23 in Galati e nel Dialogo con Trifone.Franco Manzi - 2002 - Augustinianum 42 (1):5-34.
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    L'Etica nel pensiero contemporaneo: soggettievità, teoria sociale, politica.Franco Volpi (ed.) - 1989 - Modena: Mucchi.
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    Réflexion doctrinale et prédication dans l'?uvre de Guillaume d'Auvergne.Franco Morenzoni - 2013 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 97 (2-3):345.
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    L'enigma della bellezza.Franco Rella - 1991 - Milano: Feltrinelli.
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    L’edizione critica delle Enarrationes in Psalmos graduum.Franco Gori - 2001 - Augustinianum 41 (1):99-112.
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    L'ontocoscienzialismo e l'inclusione adialettica dell'alterità: note critiche sul primo corso di lezioni di filosofia teoretica tenuto a Roma da Pantaleo Carabellese nell'anno accademico 1943-44.Franco Ottonello - 2000 - Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane. Edited by Pantaleo Carabellese.
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    Negli occhi di Vincent: l'io nello specchio del mondo.Franco Rella - 1998 - Milano: Feltrinelli Editore.
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    Filosofia del cuore: Pascal, l'Occidente e la sovrapolitica.Franco Ricordi - 2023 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    L'analogia metaforica: una questione logico-metafisica nel tomismo.Franco Riva - 1989 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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    L’edizione critica delle En. Ps. 101-150 di Agostino.Franco Gori - 2015 - Augustinianum 55 (2):605-617.
    The Commentary on the Psalms is a monumental work which for more than thirty years consumed the energies of Augustine as exegete. The extraordinary quantity of this work as well as the exceptional number of manuscript traditions which it has spawned has delayed until now the production of a critical edition carried out according to the exacting criteria of modern textual criticism. The part of the editorial project which the Vienna Academy entrusted to the Patristic Institute, the «Augustinianum» has now (...)
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    Martinetti: l'etica religiosa di Socrate.Franco Trabattoni - 2022 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3:384-396.
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  43. L'innatismo creazionistico E nozionale in San Tommaso E in Rosmini.Franco Percivale - 2011 - Divus Thomas 114 (1):135-149.
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  44. L'ermeneutica in Italia dal 1945 ad oggi.Franco Bianco - 1988 - Rivista di Filosofia 79 (2-3):473-490.
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    L'università a una svolta: quale identità in cammino?Franco Cambi - 2009 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 22 (2):405-410.
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    Science, religion et politique dans l'utopie libertine.Franco Alberto Cappelletti - 2013 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Une théorie de la politique n'existe pas dans la pensée libertine intéressée à l'élaboration d'un modèle moral concentré sur la dimension de la vie privée. Pourtant à l'intérieur de cette tradition dans la deuxième moitié du VIIe siècle en France, s'amorce un filon à cheval entre utopie et roman d'aventure dans lequel apparaissent des formes d'organisation sociétales modelées selon les principes de la liberté, égalité, tolérance qui constitueront les mots d'ordres des philosophes des lumières.
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    L'interprétation de la preuve scientifique : Les juristes, les scientifiques et les probabilités.Franco Taroni & Patrice Mangin - 1998 - Médecine et Droit 1998 (30):6-15.
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  48. L'idealismo religioso di Piero Martinetti.Franco Alessio - 1950 - Brescia,: Morcelliana.
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  49. La memoria dell'offesa. L'itinerario di Primo Levi (1919-1987).Franco Ricciardella - 2007 - Studium 103 (1):67-89.
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    L'invenzione della natura selvaggia: storia di un'idea dal XVIII secolo a oggi.Franco Brevini - 2013 - Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.
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